Meet Us

An agency backed by expertise

After a decade of the web development scene, I launched Revolutions to raise the bar for websites. With an opinionated investment in the future of the web, Revolutions is here to deliver long-term results.

headshot of a white man in a flannel shirt

Dylan T. Hinks

Founder / Web Developer

astronaut with blue colors


Our Vision

We’re on our way to take the world’s most popular CMS and make it blazing fast: are you in for the ride?

๐Ÿ“ “Measure Twice, Cut Once.”

Our process heavily invests in ensuring that our solutions are both adaptable and durable. Technical debt or vendor lock-in is an Achille’s heel for many agencies. All solutions are tested, implemented, and iteratively improved upon to ensure a seamless process. A lean process ensures custom functionality and a swift turnaround.

๐Ÿ”‹ Empowered Clients

While we believe in a stress-free website experience for our clients, we also believe there is balance to be found in their technical education. Too often web agencies leave their clients in the dark; with us, you’ll become empowered to make informed decisions about your brand’s place on the web.

๐Ÿ“ˆ People-Oriented, Business Focus

The web doesn’t have to be a scary place! We recognize that people may feel unsure how to best cross the digital bridge to their audiences, and want their business or organization to grow. We’re here to deliver data-driven results in a way that matters.

๐Ÿš€ Build – Launch – Iterate

Our agency 3-part strategic plan includes bringing all websites toward more robust technologies. Not satisfied with merely catching you up, we already have eyes locked on the next era of Wordpress. In fact, this website is v2 for Revolutions, released 7 weeks after launch with a total redesign, shedding technical weight and raising performance optimization.

astronaut with warm colors

Have more questions?

Need a strategy session? Reach out!